About us
Matera Tour Guide now promotes a high quality tourism pursued in a competitive way in terms of proficiency and economic offer.
Our mission is aimed to consolidate of a quality tourism, achieved through the valorization of the local cultural heritage, which is yet to be discovered. That is indeed our starting point.
The activity of guiding started in combination with those activities of research conducted for the national and local cultural istitutions (university, Department of national heritage and cultural activities) wich often led to the pubblication of new material.
From those activities we gain new knowledge and competences that we put in the tourist fruition, at disposition of the final consumer.
We stand out from other tourist operators, thanks to the offer of revisited itineraries in which appear for the first time some original aspects emerged during an accurate research carried on in a scientific and professional manner.
On the back of a deep knowledge of the territory, we are capable to locate the network of operators providing all the essencial services for the tourist fruition, therefore we offer tourist consultation. We are able at any time to find the solutions that better fit with specific need.
Tourist services, guided tours and consulting are carried out with great passion and attachment to the territory, always looking for new fields to perform in with competence and passion.

About us

Eleonora Sansone

Antonio Manicone